Our story
The Elsan story has always been shaped by our ambition to create an efficient and innovative healthcare model. Originally founded by Jérôme Nouzarède and Dr. Michel Bodkier, Elsan was born from the merger between Vedici and Vitalia in November 2015. In June 2017, we entered into a partnership with MédiPôle Partenaires, then C2S in 2021, thus becoming leader in the private hospital sector with the development of a unique network of health facilities close to 45 million of French people.
La raison d'être ELSAN

Our values
Attention to others
No cure without care. For us, the act of caring is primarily about interacting with others…
See the video See videoSocial cohesion
...and our local roots, meaning that we provide state-of-the-art and compassionate care to everyone, everywhere.
See the video See videoTeam spirit
Cooperation between our staff is a key asset that we encourage and uphold.
See the video See video
Our equipment
Operating rooms
PET scans
Surgical robots
Radiotherapy robotic systems, including 2 Cyberknife®
Key figures

Sébastien Proto

Olivier Regnard

Isabelle Gagneux

Simon Levy

Sébastien Proto

Olivier Regnard

Isabelle Gagneux

Simon Levy

Adeline Cambournac

Nicolas Corneau

Patrick Mignot

Myriam Combes

Thomas Daubigny

Pénélope de Fouquières

Guillaume Goutay

Geneviève Lallier Gollet

Olivier Lequertier

Christophe Musset

Carole Puig Chevrier

Chez ELSAN, nous sommes engagés à promouvoir l'intégrité et la transparence dans toutes nos activités, en appliquant une politique de tolérance zéro à l'égard de la corruption et du trafic d'influence.