
Where can non-nationals have cataract surgery in Lyon ?

The Clinique du Parc in Lyon has recognised expertise in eye surgery. The clinic is located in the centre of Lyon, the capital of Gaul and the second largest city in France. Close to the famous Parc de la Tête d'Or, this ELSAN clinic offers the best conditions for your stay: "bright, colourful surroundings" and "first-class hotel services". Ophthalmology, including cataract surgery, is one of its specialities, as is surgery, particularly nose surgery (rhinoplasty).

Opération de la cataracte pour les personnes provenant d'un pays étranger : un patient lève le pouce assis sur son lit.

What is a cataract?

Cataract is a disease of the eye. It is defined as a clouding of the crystalline lens, which is located in the eye behind the iris. It is the lens that allows us to see clearly, especially at a distance. Thanks to the crystalline lens, a person can adjust their vision to see either far or near. When this essential lens becomes cloudy, vision is impaired and the patient's ability to see near and far is reduced. Cataracts are a health problem that mainly affects older people, but can occur at any age. Every year, 60,000 patients undergo cataract surgery. It is the most common surgical procedure in the world. There are several types of cataract.

What is the medical speciality for cataracts? Ophthalmologist

The specialist who treats cataract disease is the ophthalmic surgeon. He or she will perform the operation or cataract surgery on the patient.

How is cataract surgery covered ?

Patients from abroad can be treated for their illness or condition in one of two ways.

  • Hospitalisation costs may be reimbursed under an agreement between your country's health system and the French social security system, if such an agreement exists between the two countries.
  • If there is no agreement between your country and France, your hospitalisation costs will have to be covered by private insurance. The ELSAN Group clinics will send you an estimate of the cost of your hospital stay.

Contact us

Where is the best surgeon and hospital for cataract surgery in Lyon? Where to have eye surgery ?

For cataract surgery, don't hesitate to contact the Clinique du Parc in Lyon. The excellence of its care is guaranteed by the skills of its staff, especially its surgeons.

What does cataract surgery cost (price range) ?

The ELSAN Group clinics offer a range of treatments that are among the most affordable in France and the world. The average cost of cataract surgery (on one eye) is €2,600. The same cataract operation can cost up to €3,000 in other French hospitals and more than €3,600 in Spain.

Can a foreign patient receive medical treatment in France ?

Patients from overseas can receive medical treatment and/or surgery in France, specifically Lyon. However, they must demonstrate their financial stability and ability to cover the expenses of their care and stay in France.

How can I acquire a visa to remain in a French hospital?

It is possible to obtain a visa to visit France for medical treatment and/or surgery. Once your application has been approved, ELSAN will supply the necessary documents for your visa. This visa is tailored for medical stays in France. You can reach out to the French consulate or embassy in your locality. For further details on the support extended by ELSAN to global patients seeking treatment in France, click here.

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